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Perspectives on the Field
Defining Religion and Spirituality
Religion and Spirituality as Unique
R/S Coping
Early R/S Coping Theory
Early R/S Coping Research
Reviews of R/S Coping Research
R/S Coping Measures Development: General Religion
R/S Coping Measures Development: Specific Religions
Specific Religious Coping Method Studies
R/S Coping Outcome Research
Religious and Spiritual Struggles / Negative Religious Coping
R/S Struggles: Concept & Review
R/S Struggles: Measures
R/S Struggles: Predictors
R/S Struggles: Outcomes
R/S Struggles: Specific Types
R/S Struggles: Predictors of Outcomes among Strugglers
R/S Struggles: Mediators/Moderators
Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy (SIP)

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