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Confessions of a Jigsaw Puzzler:
April 4, 2017. Institute for Spirituality and Health. ISH Spirit Matters.
Interview with the American Psychological Association:
March 22, 2013. APA. Press Releases. 
Interview with John Cleary on ABC Radio Australia:
July 26, 2009. ABC. Second Hour: Kenneth Pargament. 
Interview with Robert Vore & Holly Oxhandler, Ph.D. on CXMH:
#58 Religious Coping Skills: Good, Bad, or Both? (feat. Dr. Kenneth Pargament)
December 3, 2018. CXMH Podcast.

BGSU Department of Psychology. (2016, April 15). An event honoring the scholarly contributions of Professor Ken Pargament.

Video (alphabetically arranged)


APA Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (2022, February 23). Division Fellow Ken Pargament on Mentorship.

[Video]. YouTube.


Baylor ISR. (2014, June 17). Kenneth Pargament lecture - (April 17, 2013). [Video]. YouTube.

  • The Rodney Stark  lecture on a review of the field “Sacred Matters.”

Boston University. (2018, November 14). Spiritual diversity and psychotherapy: The 2018 Merle Jordan Conference. [Video]. YouTube.

Contemplative Network. (2015, December 9). Dr. Ken Pargament - Psychotherapy & spirituality. [Video]. YouTube.[KIP1] 

  • On the rationale for Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy

Conti, M. (2018, May 16.) Interfaith network on mental illness: Sacred matters: Spirituality as a vital resource for resilience, health, and well-being. [Video]. YouTube.

  • Talk on Sacred Matters to mental illness group

Institute for Spirituality and Health. (2020, April 16). Dr. Ken Pargament - Psychology, spirituality, and COVID 19. [Video]. YouTube.

Institute for Spirituality and Health. (2012, December 21). Kenneth Pargament - Suffering, spirituality, and psychiatric illness. [Video]. YouTube.

Institute for Spirituality and Health. (2012, October 6). Kenneth Pargament, Ph.D., Schachtel Lecture, "Sacred Matters & Health". [Video]. YouTube.


Live Happy. (2016, March 23). Kenneth Pargament on spirituality. [Video]. YouTube.

  • Brief clip that focuses on how I define spirituality


Penn State University. (2022, January 19). Kenneth Pargament on mentorship. [Video].

Penn State University. (2022, January 19). Kenneth Pargament on what PRS does for psychologists. [Video].

Positive Voices. (2020, May 12). Coping with COVID Episode 6. [Video]. Facebook.

  • "Coping with COVID with Larry King and Dr. James Pawelski. They interview Dr. Ken Pargament, an expert on spirituality and well-being. Whether we are religious or not, studies show that spirituality can help us cope, reduce stress, and find meaning."

Prof. Ofra Mayseless. (2019, June 12). Gateways to spirituality in psychotherapy and counselling Prof Kenneth Pargament. [Video]. YouTube.

  • Keynote address to the University of Haifa conference on  spirituality in psychotherapy and counseling


PSImindspirit. (2012, Jan 23). Spirituality groups and how religion functions for people. [Video]. YouTube.

  • Brief talk about hunger for spiritually integrated therapy

PSImindspirit. (2012, January 23). Strengths of spirituality and the shadow side. [Video]. YouTube.

  • Brief talks about positive and negative sides of spirituality

Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership (2016, May 13). Cultivating sacred moments (Pargament dinner) [Video]. YouTube.

TV Nupes. (2018, October 13). Psicoterapia integrada à espiritualidade - Ken Pargament PhD. [Video]. YouTube.
  • Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy mini-workshop - delivered in Brazil (in English)
TV Nupes. (2017, October 13). How to approach spirituality in clinical treatment? Prof. Kenneth Pargament, PhD. [Video]. YouTube.

TV Nupes. (2017, April 23). Spirituality and drug use - what research says. [Video]. YouTube.

  • Interview on spirituality and addictions

TV Nupes. (2017, March 24). Integrando espiritualidade no tratamento clínico / Spirituality in clinical care - Ken Pargament. [Video]. YouTube.
TV Nupes. (2017, February 24). A Religiosidade ajuda ou prejudica? Does religiosity help or harm people? Ken Pargament PhD. [Video]. YouTube.

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