"Through the lens of the sacred, we can see ourselves in broader perspective, as small but significant parts of the larger stream that flows through and beyond our individual lives."

Kenneth Pargament is a professor emeritus of psychology at Bowling Green State University. He has published extensively on religion, spirituality, and health, and authored The Psychology of Religion and Coping: Theory, Research, Practice and Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy: Understanding and Addressing the Sacred. Dr. Pargament is Editor-in-Chief of the 2013 two-volume APA Handbook of Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality. With Julie Exline, he has authored Working with Spiritual Struggles in Psychotherapy: From Research to Practice. He was Distinguished Scholar at the Institute for Spirituality and Health at the Texas Medical Center. His awards include the Oskar Pfister Award from the American Psychiatric Association in 2009, the National Samaritan Center Award in 2012, the Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Professional Chaplains in 2015, the first Outstanding Contribution to the Applied Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Award from the Division 36 of APA in 2017, and an honorary doctor-of-letters from Pepperdine University in 2013. He was recently cited as “One of 50 Most Influential Living Psychologists in the World.” He is married to Aileen, father of two sons, and is a recently minted grandfather of Emmy, Oliver, Hudson, Noah, and Sloan.
Contact: kpargam@bgsu.edu